ICMA 9th Annual Conference of the Principles - highlights

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) hosted its 2023 Annual Conference of the Green, Social, Sustainability, and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles in Singapore at the end of June, with the Monetary Authority of Singapore as the Supporting Partner. These principles serve as the leading global framework for sustainable bond issuance, influencing over 98% of sustainable bond issuance worldwide, totalling nearly $3 trillion.

The conference brought together industry experts and leaders in sustainable finance to discuss key updates on the 2023 guidance from the Principles, the Asia Pacific perspective, and crucial topics such as regulation, market integrity, and climate transition finance.

The Centre was a media partner of the conference, and has selected the presentations below with a specific focus and relevance to New Zealand’s sustainable finance future.

Achieving Net Zero - the contribution from the sustainable bond markets

Issuer perspectives on the changing landscape of sustainable finance

Keynote - the role that the ISSB standards can play to support the development of sustainable capital markets across Asia

Ensuring market integrity and addressing greenwashing concerns


Boosting investment in private assets


Driving sustainable change: Matt Whineray and Sir Jonathon Porritt in conversation