Embracing Māori leadership in shaping local sustainable finance taxonomy

In partnership with the Ministry for the Environment | Manatū mō te Taiao, the Centre for Sustainable Finance: Toitū Tahua recently hosted a hui at the NZ Super Fund, bringing together Māori leaders and finance practitioners. The focal point of our discussions was the development of a sustainable finance taxonomy for Aotearoa New Zealand, and how iwi and Māori can be appropriately involved in this process.

During the workshop, powerful reflections were shared on iwi and Māori experience with sustainable finance to date.

There was keen interest in being involved in the process, strong support for bold thinking, taking the opportunity to build for the future, and incorporation of Te Ao Māori in the sustainable finance taxonomy process and outcomes. 

The key message that emerged was that values, equity and integrity are crucial to success.


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